
Hungary will preside the European Council from July - December 2024

The Hungarian Association of NGOs for Development and Humanitarian Aid (HAND) is an umbrella organisation uniting 12 civil society organisations (CSOs) in the spirit of cooperation, initiative and sustainability. Actively engaging stakeholders since 2003, the Association’s mission is to harmonise and advocate for local and global needs and interests, and to decrease societal inequalities through pursuing the Sustainable Development Goals. In doing so, we build on stakeholder cooperation in the field of global responsibility, global education and international development, aiming at educating society and influencing relevant decision-making processes through capacity building and jointly representing members’ interests.

The long-term vision of HAND is a proactive and supportive society, where individuals and actors recognize global challenges and the importance of sustainability, and assume their responsibility in jointly working towards these objectives.

Our CSOs bring experience from various fields to the table, e.g. environmental issues, migration and refugees, training and education, or challenges in Africa. This diversity allows for a wide range of activities, which are foreseen to contribute to the successful implementation of the EUPP4 project’s Hungarian leg based on the following three main priorities:

Civil Society

Our aim is to strengthen the role of civil society and promote the factors of an enabling environment. Special focus will be placed on capacity building and  initiating participative processes in the national context.

Global Citizenship Education (GCE)

Given its unique context, in Hungary awareness raising and global citizenship education are key to counteract government actions that question global solidarity. Besides relaying information to the general public, we are planning to advance the integration of GCE in one decisive area: university teacher training.

Development effectiveness and policy coherence for sustainable development

HAND will concentrate on the effectiveness of the growing ODA support provided by Hungary, by addressing policy issues in relation to the renewal of Hungary’s international development strategy. In terms of policy coherence,  the focus will be on institutional and implementation level, but also on specific policy areas.

In addition to HAND’s own activities, we will enable Hungarian CSOs through providing financial support in the form of a subgranting call, accepting initiatives in awareness raising, global citizenship education and advocacy activities.

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