by Newsroom | Mar 27, 2023 | News
Our Learning and Exchange Forum (LEF) is a moment for CONCORD members across Europe to come together to exchange and learn from one another about how to tackle current challenges. We do this by showcasing best practices, sharing inspiration, and thinking together....
by ellen | Mar 16, 2023 | News, Sweden
CONCORD Sweden’s member organizations have had the opportunity to apply for funding for projects that they want to realize within the framework of the Presidency Project (EUPP). Below, we proudly present our seven members who implements various projects in relation to...
by Newsroom | Mar 8, 2023 | News
Why this mechanism? The African Union (AU)-European Union (EU) Summits are a key moment for Heads of State or governments to come together to discuss and set the main priorities of the AU-EU Partnership. Civil society engagement in this process is essential to ensure...
by ellen | Mar 8, 2023 | News, Sweden
No standardised format setting out what a feminist foreign and development policy should contain has yet been agreed, and the differences between existing policies are plenty. However, our interactions over the last eight years with Sweden’s feminist foreign policy...
by isabelle | Mar 2, 2023 | Sweden
In February 2023, 13 members of CONCORD Sweden travelled to Brussels to learn more about EU processes and meet with decision makers and civil society. From the meeting with Tomas Tobé of the DEVE Committee. Johanna Olofsson, SMC, Ola Richardsson, Individuell...