by plataformaportuguesa | Oct 13, 2021 | News, Portugal
During the first half of 2021, and within the scope of the Project “For an open, fair and sustainable Europe in the World”, the Portuguese NGDO Platform supported 10 initiatives from Portuguese civil society organizations through a financial subgranting mechanism. The...
by plataformaportuguesa | Sep 17, 2021 | News, Portugal
On May 28th, 2021, the Platform organized the Conference “A Partnership of Equals: Africa-EU relations in an increasingly complex world”. The event brought together a variety of stakeholders from both continents on the framework of the Portuguese Presidency of the...
by plataformaportuguesa | Jul 14, 2021 | News, Portugal
Editorial The upcoming African Union (AU) – European Union (EU) Summit, initially scheduled for October 2020 and then postponed due to the pandemic, is crucial for the future of the relationship between the two continents. The European Commission has promised to...
by plataformaportuguesa | Jun 15, 2021 | News, Portugal
In its Programme, published in June 2020 and with the AU-EU Summit on the horizon – initially scheduled for October 2020 -, the current EU Council Presidency Trio (Germany, Portugal, and Slovenia) committed to working “for the development of relations and...
by plataformaportuguesa | May 4, 2021 | News, Portugal
On the 28th of May 2021, The Portuguese NGDO Platform will host the Conference “A Partnership of Equals: Africa-EU relations in an increasingly complex world”, organized within the project “Towards an open, fair and sustainable Europe in the World”. The event will...
by plataformaportuguesa | Apr 28, 2021 | News, Portugal
The consequences of the development model driven by the industrial era are now widely known, from the excessive increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the terrestrial atmosphere, to impacts on biodiversity. This situation requires profound changes...